SS6: Strategic dual transition: challenges and opportunities

Name and affiliations of the session organisers

  • Fabrizio Fusillo (Department of Economic and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis, University of Turin, Italy and BRICK, Collegio Carlo Alberto)
  • Gianluca Orsatti (Department of Economic and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis, University of Turin, Italy and BRICK, Collegio Carlo Alberto)
  • Francesco Quatraro (Department of Economic and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis, University of Turin, Italy and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
  • Alessandra Scandura (Department of Economic and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis, University of Turin, Italy and BRICK, Collegio Carlo Alberto)


In the non-deferable environmental and digital (dual) transition that global economies are facing, competitiveness and sustainability can be seen as complementary goals to be achieved through strategic investments in green technologies and digitalization. The secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and the supply of critical skills are at the core of these strategic investments. For regions and local actors this implies the need to anticipate and seize unique opportunities, while facing new challenges in terms of adaptation. The former cannot be missed, the latter cannot be avoided. Indeed, the digitalization has triggered a cascade of transformations in the structure of labour markets as well as in global value chains and in the supply of critical raw materials. On similar grounds, the increasing concerns about environmental degradation have spur renewed efforts in the generation of green technologies, engendering substantial changes in the demand for skills and labour and, also, in setting up effective strategies to facilitate the secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials. 
If the opportunities that the dual transition brings to the ground have recently received increasing attention, the same cannot be said for the challenges that are emerging, also due to the recent international crises. This special session aims at bringing together empirical contributions related to the interlink between critical inputs, such as raw materials and skills, and the dual transition, under a geographical perspective. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
  • The geography of digital and/or green technologies and the supply of critical raw materials 
  • Local skills in the dual transition 
  • The interplay between regional technological capabilities and local skills  
  • Regional network of geographical and technological interdependencies 
  • Digital and green technological trajectories and the critical raw material dependence 


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